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Devon is a former Agent who has gone rogue and is now selling classified information to the highest bidder. She breaks into Agent Andieโs apartment intending to steal a thumb drive containing sensitive files and begins to rifle through the drawers, but Andie appears in the doorway and holds up the drive, challenging Devon to try and take it.
Devon throws a series of fast, exploratory jabs at Andie, all of which she blocks. Devon condescendingly tells Andie sheโs impressed, to which Andie replies that someone needs to humiliate her. This irritates Devon, who now overcommits on her next attack. Andie blocks it and responds with a jab into Devonโs face, following up with a straight right and a hook that leaves Devon stunned on her feet. Andie now takes her time slamming Devon with more hooks, belly punches and an uppercut, before taking out a chloroformed bad and sending her to dreamland.
Andie calls her case officer to report the attack and is ordered to find out who sent Devon. She wakes Devon and drags her up by her hair, then subjects her to a series of belly punches and an extended belly claw. Still Devon refuses to talk, so she puts her in a sleeper hold and sends her to sleep again.
The case officer calls Andie back for an update, but sheโs talking Devon wakes up and sneaks up behind her. When she turns round sheโs only just able to block Devonโs hook, but not the belly punch and uppercut she follows up with.
Itโs now Devon who takes Andie by the hair and delivers a devastating series of belly punches that send Reya to her knees. Devon pushes over the defenceless Andie with her foot, takes out a rope and slowly chokes her out.
Savouring her triumph, she plays with Andieโs limp body, then rolls her over and takes the drive she came for.
Includes the following: